What’s it take?

(Part 1) What does it take to wake up a generation?
Do you go with love or do you go with fear? Do you go with desire or do you waive from that?
Do you take reservations, or do you just take a seat at the table?
Do you sit in the back of the bus? Or sit front row in class? What does it take? You need to ask Yourself, are you being led by fear or love? One thing I will tell you, is that actions speak louder than…(insert your word here)

YOU, You ask me, why should I blaze a trail when there’s not enough time? is anyone doing enough?
Fear or desire; don’t say the word, do the action!!

Finally on learning

“If you tell me, I will forget, if you teach me, I might remember, if you involve me; I will learn.” #benjaminfranklinquote #remixbygeorge #remembermewithlove #misguidedmissile #seeknirvana #georgeknows @nftbazl @nft_nyc @artbasel @vanesaaserrano @artbasel @ilovemiami.fl @newyorkermag @nymag @buddhaquotes_


We all took this ..
Wake up and be woke …

Grow with Me…

For Thanksgiving this year, ALL that is good, all that is sacred, this I wish for you!! Success is getting what you want…

… But Fulfillment is delivering what you are made for, so remember what were we made for? I will continue giving, continue being there; for you, yes for us.

So let’s collaborate, not be the fools and divide, but unite and grow…
They say to walk in someone’s shoes for a mile is to truly understand them. May I walk a mile with you ? #georgeknows #seeknirvana #misguidedmissile #daretocare #thanksgiving2021 #sharingiscarimg #remembermewithlove

You see me sitting there? What would you say ?
I’ll wait for you …
Let us walk a mile …
Desert 🌵
Why go your way, when we can …

Happy Knife; Happy life…

it’s around that time of year again, when the dead are recognized and the dearly departed are remembered. I ask you to ponder. #georgeknows #Nottoday … What are the rights of the dead? Do the dead have rights? Should you be speaking for them, bringing up things he/she/they would say today without there consent?

I can tell there is something on YOUR mind, but is it there mind?

Grief is universal, we all have lost or lost a loved one but at what point do we inhibit this and keep it in our thoughts?

Your last thoughts from the person you loved is to be remembered with a memory, that is sweet, tender one that doesn’t end. I wonder why are you saying goodbye ? It doesn’t mean forever it just means until we meet again. That should be the way do you have a memory of someone you loved and lost

Sweet , tender , funny , say fare thee well without saying goodbye

Now if you INSIST the dead are saying something; then why not this ?

“I miss you, I love being around you you are so much fun to be around. Please remember that is life, you deserve to be happy, to focus on what you have, rather than what you don’t have let’s get back to each other soon in the afterlife. please remember you are my world and I am yours”
-your dearly departed love #remembermewithlove PLAY THE song “not today” when reading this it might conjure up something spiritual @GeorgeRioLIVE

Halloween 🎃 2021

Respect the dead

On Character building …

Best friends are the ones that make your problems their problems; see your way through it ; that way you don’t have to go through the Problem alone…

That is your friends Character speaking. Character cannot be taught or learned it is innate.

It’s what the best people have and best friends use, to help you see through a poor decision. Even the best people slip in judgement, they see it through… HOLD ON to your friends with Character

Q: How do two introverts meet ?

A: they don’t ..

Follow me @

What about adversity?

It doesn’t matter the nature of the adversity; the question will be what are you gonna do about it?
Are you going to roll up in a ball, scream and yell about it, or are you going to take action!! With me you either Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

My life moves fast and I tend to avoid the kind of connections that lead to dependence or can slow me down I like weightlessness because it’s always been a priority for me and I want to change that for the fall/winter 2021. I’ll need a partner to ski with, one shouldn’t ski black diamonds alone, or go on adventures with alone. #newresolutions please have a great #labordayweekend #remembermewithlove #georgeknows #daretolive #daretolove #misguidedmissile #seeknirvana @thetrendspotter @nymag @newyorkermag @zozoroe a funny girl is hard to find… #comedy @deadeyebrakeman


Hand in hand

Who is your Master?

Many lives; many masters

What is money;

Money is and what always was ; a collective fiction a collective imagination; of what people belief as a agreed upon object we believe is good. There’s no Intrinsic aspect or value. Shells 🐚 trinkets , gold , silver , it is perceived between. When you finally have enough people say “hey ok pay me in Bitcoin you have reached an agreed upon currency. Like trading cards or a cloak of invisibility purchased through a video game. It’s mutually agreed upon.

2014 Bitcoin was considered marginally useful because it offered a choice against fiat currency and. It’s ties to inflation or government over dilution of printing more money.

Today, and tomorrow we now see a new generation of people that have bought purchased and bartered with items virtually, through either Warcraft, FortNite, in app purchases where are you would purchase some thing that would be of value to you and would use it for any future cause a purpose this now is our new reality embrace it or be obsolete. @newcurrency @thetrendspotter @agentgeorgerio @newyorkermag @nypost @ethereummax_official @bitcoin.page @freemason_world_ #georgeknows #seeknirvana #misguidedmissile #remembermewithlove with the growing concern and distrust over our world governments and the careless printing and endorsing of these new ways to feed the insatiable needs of many we need to ask these questions what is your deity? WHAT SAY YOU? @

Make your mark …

Love your USA … 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

A leader with NO followers is just someone taking a walk…
My dear friend, Please remember if you stand for nothing, you will have nothing to stand on. Reach out to your friend or foe, and condemn violence in any form.
The greats never sacrifice the important for the urgent, they handle the immediate problem and make sure the secure the future, stick to your plan and most of all remember. USA 🇺🇸 is the greatest canvas to paint your ideal American dream come true, forge ahead … #georgeknows #misguidedmissile #seeknirvana #daretolive #followforfollowback @nypost @nymag @newyorkermag @iloveny @buddhaquotes_
Walk with me… @socialbutterflyny
USA 🇺🇸
@GeorgeRioLIVE ..
My City, Can be yours … @

She would approve ??

A leader with NO followers is just someone taking a walk…
My dear friend, Please remember if you stand for nothing, you will have nothing to stand on. Reach out to your friend or foe, and condemn violence in any form.
The greats never sacrifice the important for the urgent, they handle the immediate problem and make sure the secure the future, stick to your plan and most of all remember. USA 🇺🇸 is the greatest canvas to paint your ideal American dream come true, forge ahead … #georgeknows #misguidedmissile #seeknirvana #daretolive #followforfollowback @nypost @nymag @newyorkermag @iloveny @buddhaquotes_

A day in time …

IMAGINE IF YOUR LIFE WAS ONLY A DAY, yes a day long, 24 hours of it. You came across a 🌲 tree, studied it during winter ❄️, knowing all about that tree in the dead of winter, thinking it’s a tree that is lifeless and leafless, you were never alive long enough to have ever seen the tree in the spring or the summer of the tree because your life lasted only ONE day in the winter, imagine that not knowing the full cycle of a tree, the seasons, the joy and hope of Spring?! We would only know a day in the life of that tree. That is what we are now to the universe. just a day in the universal clock.

Will you make it worthy?

Make today count by going out there and working on it, fail or fall, but get up again and again. You fall so you learn to get up. Rage against the dying by living!

The problem with the next generations will be that simple <help> button on the top corner of the screen. Whenever faced with a challenge, the future generations will all to easily resort to that simple button. Get “help” and ask again and again. Get them that fish once,

I would rather Learn to fish, wouldn’t you ? The best things in life are worth earning… #remixbygeorge #georgeknows #misguidedmissile #seeknirvana @centralparknyc @treeoftenere2017 @hollylikespalmtrees @newyorkermag @overheardnewyork @nycplugged @fomofeed #lifeinatimeofcovid #loveinatimeofcovid19 #treesofinstagram #ilovetrees #nyclife


‘Bout being vulnerable (human)…



About being vulnerable (human)

I complained about not having shoes until I met someone who had no feet

Stop saying “I wish”, “I want” and start saying”I Will”

The question is not if you have the genetics to do so, the question question is do you have the will. The mental fortitude and the work ethic to do that … stop blaming things that are out of your control. If you didn’t make a meeting or meet good friends because of your habits or lack of a habit, don’t blame Anyone else but yourself (if you are late then blame the train) 😉

I saw this body builder with no legs, are you going to tell me you are less capable than somebody who has that problem? It’s not genetics, it’s what’s going on in your mind.

Don’t let yourself get off the hook.

Keep at it

A scholar tries to learn something everyday; A student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily. Learn a skill and lose a bad habit.

Lastly, rejection is a myth… let’s talk about that in my next post. Some will, some won’t let’s move on. Rejection is a part of success