High Achievement…?

You want High Achievements? Then set yourself up with high expectations! Only with that framework will it be easier to reach… Make it SO! http://www.SocialButterflyNY.blogspot.com @SBNYGeorge Too often we get into a project without preparation and expectation is sub par. Don’t do that anymore. You want to reach a high goal? You want to goContinue reading “High Achievement…?”

Finish what you started…

When you DO something, a task or project. You should burn yourself completely! finish what you started, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself… As a fire starts it burns until it mission to burn every last piece is done to ember… Much like that as in the words of Fred Smith fromContinue reading “Finish what you started…”


Doubt is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that KILLS! If YOU (yes you) believe in what you are doing then let nothing stand in your way.. Some of the best accomplishments have been done against strong odds. My advice is GET STARTED NOW! It’s going to get warm anyways inContinue reading “Doubt???”

Witty or Wise?

Hey Buddy! glad you are back from Sundance! Proper words placed in the right time, are one of the cornerstones of WIT & STYLE! Perfect Timing although a cherry isn’t necessarily crucial. Because your words should carry weight in most conditions. To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree toContinue reading “Witty or Wise?”