
A person’s OWN good up bringing is good enough security against anyone else’s ILL manners…it’s through good practice (good parenting) and honest deeds we find ourselves on the road to better results. In the spirit of Palm Sunday through this Holy Week of both religions that we must focus on HONEST, NOT good intentions. InContinue reading “Honestly??”

The end of your rope?

When life gives you the trials and tribulations of day to day tasks and there doesn’t seem to be an end… You feel yourself slipping down and losing your grip. The rope seems to end and you have reached the end! Tie a knot…yes tie a knot at the end of the rope and holdContinue reading “The end of your rope?”

Me first!

You need to build a better ME!, to build a better tomorrow! #georgerio #tip #idesofmarch All too often we find ourselves, helping others to the point of frustration and fatigue, then too drained to help ourself. We think of how poorly our results are in end, not realizing the 80/20 rule. 20% of the thingsContinue reading “Me first!”


Walt Disney once said “it was fun doing the impossible, he’s right! It makes the naysayers look dumb founded or confused. How do I do it?? I start by doing what’s necessary and then what’s possible and you end up doing the IMPOSSIBLE!! March ON, it is March anyway! Don’t forget to move your clockContinue reading “Impossible??”

Taste it…

To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of an apple pie on canvas which you cannot eat or savor! Be sure not to take anything as the TRUTH unless you have seen it, felt it, been touched by it and lastly tasted. THANKS, to technology what was once HIS-ToryContinue reading “Taste it…”

Remy Remembered

He always greeted me, with a wide smile and tail wagging. After a rough day always knew I was down and would sleep right by me. When I was home late, never scolded me and asked “where was I?” He just came running to me and jumped as high as he could. He would wrestleContinue reading “Remy Remembered”