Outside that box…

Hey get out of that little box of yours, there is so much your missing! Come outside, see that cubicle around you? Take a walk see the sun and make a plan for the weekend! Let us Zip line, hit the park, hit the studio, call a friend, but make plans today… Go ahead makeContinue reading “Outside that box…”

Your problem, NOT mine

You ever ask yourself, “When will the CONSTANT testing end?”, “When will I finally begin to relax and not worry anymore?” Who or what decides I am worthy? I can only answer from the SAME experiences… The Reality you experience is the mirror Image of your expectations…my god fearing friend it doesn’t end… Your favoriteContinue reading “Your problem, NOT mine”


One smart Japanese dude, (Dogen) once said, “People LIKE what is not true and they DON’T like what is true!” It comes down to this, human nature, it’s been the same for CIVILIZED man for 6,000 years or so. Through the years you would think that we would learn the mistakes of our previous generations.Continue reading “True?”

Transform your world…

I am telling you! When you transform your mind, everything you experience is transformed! “Outlook, color, conflict, heroes, villain and endings”, in EVERY story in you life… Transformed! Like a new book or DVD with an alternate ending. It’s Spring! Bring it! Transform your mind… Message me for WAYS I have decided to this spring/summerContinue reading “Transform your world…”