Memorial Day…

Try not to become a person of success rather, become a person of value! Because Memorial Day is a time to remember that we live in a land of the free brought to you by the Brave and the rich in value. There are many who lost there loves and lives because of the strongContinue reading “Memorial Day…”

Back to Monday…

Is it Back to the “grind”?… But if you don’t live life feeling like You have to work, and enjoy what you are doing…it’s a different story. Monday Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be. Have a rest and be ordinary and be natural..Continue reading “Back to Monday…”


Observation: Something you’ll never see in Braille, … “if you see something say something” On your birthday, a day to reflect, You are your own teacher. Investigate YOURSELF to find the truth – INSIDE, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important. Today You go shopping for your “guilty pleasures” and treat yourself! -\\George R

The second mouse…

A tip to my unborn son, I have found in my own life and in others’ lives that we do not think well of ourselves OR love ourselves completely. My son…To not love ourselves can keep what we want from us, the thrones, the homes, and the best people in our lives from us. ToContinue reading “The second mouse…”