Human Contact…

In our society, in the world today there are 4 ways in which we are evaluated and classified by: these 4 ways are as follows (although) not in the particular order. Take note: A:What we DO B: How we LOOK C:What we SAY, D:HOW we say it. Be mindful of these forms of contact andContinue reading “Human Contact…”

George’s Karma Café

Word/TIP of the day, KARMA: Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause… (see illustration) need I say more? We as a society wonder why we are hit with the dilemma we face without realizing that we alone are the reason the dilemma rose up to us. You may feel as though you had nothingContinue reading “George’s Karma Café”

Pooping back and forth…

Hustler’s never work and workers never Hustle… Are you waiting for that break, or you going to break through? The economy is growing this fall/winter season and many of you are asking yourself, should I hustle for 100$ or work for 50$, the answer is which one will offer a brighter future. What you doContinue reading “Pooping back and forth…”

Curse if you MUST!

Beware of the anger of your mouth. Master your words. Let them serve truth, cursing is more useful and effective the less you use it. People who see you curse less get more done when they curse effectively. They see your OPEN kind side and remember your angry side better. Also remember that minds areContinue reading “Curse if you MUST!”

Are you Helpless or Clueless?

In this SOCIETY society of insatiable needs with limited resources, we tend to grab, save, hold on to or horde what we used to share FREELY. Those days are waining away much like a shore on a beach eroding or losing ground every year. Don’t get me wrong. I want to help the helpless, butContinue reading “Are you Helpless or Clueless?”

You first? Your dark side first?

My closest friend, you should know, that unless you fill YOURSELF up first, you have nothing to give anybody. Therefore it is imperative that you tend to YOU first. Attend to your joy first. People are responsible for their own joy. When you tend to your joy and do what makes you feel good, youContinue reading “You first? Your dark side first?”