TG 2013…

Put the “pep” in your step, put a “skip”in your stride, put a “smile” on your face! I’m sure there is something to be thankful for. No matter what, there’s always someone worse off than you, and there is someone better off as well. #thanksgiving #GTIP #nowplaying #hanukkah #onward #upward If you can think aboutContinue reading “TG 2013…”

Supreme enlightenment??

I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for THAT very reason it is called supreme enlightenment. #GTIP There are many ways to a girls phone number, but a shortcut is most definitely #humor you may say you try to be funny, but it’s on being your self, your true humble self that youContinue reading “Supreme enlightenment??”

To die…

A Zen teacher had a rare and priceless teacup. One day, his PRECOCIOUS student accidentally broke the cup. Hearing the footsteps of his teacher, the student held the pieces of the cup behind his back. When the master appeared, he asked: “Why do people have to die?” “This is natural,” explained the teacher. “Everything hasContinue reading “To die…”

Ode to Joy?

If some situation occurs that affects your state of joy, repeat to yourself, “All good is coming from this situation.” And it will. Learn from each experience. You will find after experiencing a challenging situation, your level of joy will be higher than it has ever been before. Isn’t that a good thing? But pleaseContinue reading “Ode to Joy?”

No Attachment…

My brother (I never had) wherever he goes is attached to no person and to no place by ties of flesh; who accepts good and evil alike, neither welcoming the one nor shrinking from the other — take it that such a one has attained Perfection… #GTIP #halloween2013 #patrickbateman #americanpsycho #annawintour #NFL Thank You MrContinue reading “No Attachment…”

Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken…

Listening to “juicy” in the background by notorious BIG, taking a bite out of a thigh at blue ribbon fried chicken!! Griddled corn with bacon, dipping in an array of special sauces by BRFC themselves. Thick breasts crusted in there special recipe! The Bromberg brothers have done it again! I came with a hunger forContinue reading “Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken…”

Pay no mind…

Yesterday, It was good talking to you my dear friend, congratulations on your successful party this weekend. A Halloween party never looked so good. You will always with success have your detractors. Pay no mind! There Desires and expectations are the sources of disappointment. You my hardworking soul, shouldn’t cling to them. Do your work,Continue reading “Pay no mind…”