Lose it ALL… 

When I had nothing to lose, I had everything. When I stopped being who I am, I found myself. 

It’s often when you bear no attachment to material, that you truly see WHAT is real and WHO are real to YOU. Stick to things that matter in life and you will see how everything comes together. 

On the subject of this photo attached…tasteless or tasteful? #GTIP  


Published by A SocialButterfly IN New York Instagram is @GeorgeRioLIVE

"LIGHTLIFE and your concierge” As a Personal Concierge, AGENT & service provider, a PaceSetter, Booster and Cheerleader to most of my clients. I am known for an honest word and tip maker to the what, where and how... join me, and see the inside richness most of the world Does NOT see about NEW YORK... -Your SocialButterfly @GeorgeRioLIVE DM for bookings

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