Licking your wounds…

Licking my wounds today… Finding my self in the middle of the deep dark woods of life, lots of branches and deep foliage, very little light. I look to my left no one here, I look to my right no one there. I look behind me, no one at all. With only my purist ideals,Continue reading “Licking your wounds…”

Live once die twice…

Dynamic Duos do it best… #NoManIsAnIsland #DynamicDuoin life you either: Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way. Find a partner who will stand by your side… #GTIP #GeorgeKnows #DareToLive  Make it a good Day!  In LIFE you live ONLY Once, don’t die twice… It’s said that we all live until we are 25, thenContinue reading “Live once die twice…”

Choices are like seeds…

Choices are like Seeds..  My dear citizens, You have a choice right NOW. Today! this morning!  Do you want to believe that it’s just the luck of the draw, bad things can happen to you at any time? Do you want to believe that you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time?Continue reading “Choices are like seeds…”