
Full of tips today, must be the coming of summer:     Human TIP: #Charity #GoodBehavior, #Amicable speech patterns, and #unselfishness are through the centuries considered elements of popular people. Try those 4 pillars of life.     Girl TIP: gentleman, most Girls are intimidated by your mother. It’s just the way it is, the wayContinue reading “Popular….”

Today Thursday…

Today Thursday! Open it up! Be in tune with the UNIVERSE TODAY, by making a girl smile, that will open good Karma! Bring everything to completion that you started and your night should end up STRONG, (In time for dinner) #LastSupper GIRL TIP: Guys, don’t be afraid to mention something you’ve been dreaming of tryingContinue reading “Today Thursday…”

Attract for Spring…

Every single person deserves to live a wonderful life, a life filled with smiles and laughter. You, my friend have the power to do that through a way of attraction. When you tend to your happiness and joy on a daily basis, something positive happens. You begin to overflow with joy, and every single personContinue reading “Attract for Spring…”