‘Bout being vulnerable (human)…



About being vulnerable (human)

I complained about not having shoes until I met someone who had no feet

Stop saying “I wish”, “I want” and start saying”I Will”

The question is not if you have the genetics to do so, the question question is do you have the will. The mental fortitude and the work ethic to do that … stop blaming things that are out of your control. If you didn’t make a meeting or meet good friends because of your habits or lack of a habit, don’t blame Anyone else but yourself (if you are late then blame the train) 😉

I saw this body builder with no legs, are you going to tell me you are less capable than somebody who has that problem? It’s not genetics, it’s what’s going on in your mind.

Don’t let yourself get off the hook.

Keep at it

A scholar tries to learn something everyday; A student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily. Learn a skill and lose a bad habit.

Lastly, rejection is a myth… let’s talk about that in my next post. Some will, some won’t let’s move on. Rejection is a part of success

Published by A SocialButterfly IN New York Instagram is @GeorgeRioLIVE

"LIGHTLIFE and your concierge” As a Personal Concierge, AGENT & service provider, a PaceSetter, Booster and Cheerleader to most of my clients. I am known for an honest word and tip maker to the what, where and how... join me, and see the inside richness most of the world Does NOT see about NEW YORK... -Your SocialButterfly @GeorgeRioLIVE DM for bookings

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