Grow with Me…

For Thanksgiving this year, ALL that is good, all that is sacred, this I wish for you!! Success is getting what you want…

… But Fulfillment is delivering what you are made for, so remember what were we made for? I will continue giving, continue being there; for you, yes for us.

So let’s collaborate, not be the fools and divide, but unite and grow…
They say to walk in someone’s shoes for a mile is to truly understand them. May I walk a mile with you ? #georgeknows #seeknirvana #misguidedmissile #daretocare #thanksgiving2021 #sharingiscarimg #remembermewithlove

You see me sitting there? What would you say ?
I’ll wait for you …
Let us walk a mile …
Desert 🌵
Why go your way, when we can …

Published by A SocialButterfly IN New York Instagram is @GeorgeRioLIVE

"LIGHTLIFE and your concierge” As a Personal Concierge, AGENT & service provider, a PaceSetter, Booster and Cheerleader to most of my clients. I am known for an honest word and tip maker to the what, where and how... join me, and see the inside richness most of the world Does NOT see about NEW YORK... -Your SocialButterfly @GeorgeRioLIVE DM for bookings

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