Power of the mind…

@whitneymuseum @whitneybiennial2019 @fomofeed @nycun.plugged #daretolive #seeknirvana #misguidedmissile #nothingsimpossible The power of the human mind.. 1954, a pivotal year for the human body, and in sports. The 4 min mile, was accomplished, before that the 4 minute mile, was thought to be the impossible, the human body would break down, it would cannibalize and would cause injury, this was all thought of but, Roger Bannister.

He was different, he showed us we were all the same, it was just his ability that defined him. Not by his body, but by his mind !! As we should and now know, Confidence comes with belief, it wasn’t a simple step in evolution, it was simply the belief we could do it. Our internal psychological governance, changed and said WE CAN !

For Monday I ask you, what didn’t you believe you can do, and ask yourself what it took. Do that again this week. Push your internal governor to say yes I can and yes I will … Do your best, when your best is needed, and your best is needed EVERY day !! Take small wins and turn them into big victories.

Remember how crazy an idea it was for Thomas Edison to harness the electric power into a single light bulb that today you and I take for granted where we just flip a switch and see light fill a room !! Nothing can make you imagine how crazy that idea was back in his time… 1. remember to stop doubting yourself if you think negative things. That will happen

2. Always analyze your thoughts, by doing so , you will find a path and you will see the changes occur

Think you can, think you cannot either way you are right …#georgeknows #jasperjohns #jacksonpollock #andywarhol #happymonday

Energy flows…

A research in California conducted by psychotherapists proved that Energy Flows where Attention Goes*


*Everything in our Universe is Energy.*

*When you say, “ I don’t want War.” you are giving your attention to war and where you give your attention, your Energy will flow there.*

*Law of Attraction will match your Energy with that and bring it in your Three Dimension reality.*

*So instead of saying, “ I don’t want War.” you should say “I want Peace.”*

*Then your attention is on Peace, so you are giving your Energy to Peace and Law of Attraction will match your Energy with Peace and your life will be Peaceful.*

*This Universe works on Vibrations. So similarly change your statements*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to fail, say I want to Win!*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to be sick, say I want to be healthy.*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to have a struggling job, say I want to have a happy and exciting job.*

*Instead of saying, I don’t want to fight with my husband, say I want to have a happy relationship with my husband and so on..*

*Our thoughts are very powerful because Energy is transmitted through thoughts.*

*If you think and speak about what you don’t want, you will attract what you don’t want!*

*But if you speak about what you want you start attracting only what you want!*

*Also remove words from your dictionary like,*

*Depression, Hatred, Failure, Illness, Disease, Jealousy, Misunderstanding, Problem*

*Instead of telling problem, you should say challenge.*

*Words are very powerful. Use words properly. That’s called “power of spoken words”,as you keep on repeating the same words again and again, as if you apply energy/force to the word & it starts multiplying & the effects manifest in your Life.*

*Also do chant following positive affirmations everyday.*

*I am Happy*

*I am healthy*

*I am wealthy*

*I am worthy*

*I am hopeful*

*I am helpful*

*I am humble*

*I am blessed*

*I am thankful*

*I am greatful*

*I am unique*

*I am a genius*

*I am kind*

*I am courteous*

*I am confident*

*I am courageous*

*I am loving*

*I am caring*

*I am honest*

*I am hard working*

*I am going to make best out of this life.

Follow for follow @GeorgeRioLIVE

We broken together…

She grabbed my face hard squeezed my chin, and she said

I like that you’re broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you’re lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you if you want..

Remember me, I met you late night, at a party

Some strewn Brooklyn loft

By the bathroom, you said let’s talk

But my confidence is wearing off

These aren’t my people you said,

These aren’t my friends, you said

There’s something tragic, but almost pure

Think I could love you, but I’m not sure

There’s something wholesome, there’s something sweet

Tucked in your eyes that I’d like to meet..

Follow me on Instagram @GeorgeRioLIVE

for more antics





What Mask…

What mask will you put on today? What hat will you wear? what wig will you perch on your head?

Are you covering up something today? Rather be who you want to love to be. Be that person you were afraid to be before. 1/2 of all the sadness begins with you being what society has placed on you.

To often we want to be what society wants us to be. Start with being honest with who you are now. That’s a start.

So that behind the scenes, so that’s what is said in reality under these masks you are all the actor marvelously skilled playing many parts as possible and getting lost in the mazes in your own minds and the entanglement of your own affairs.

As if if your way was the most urgent thing going but behind in the back of your mind you have this tiny snarky suspension that you might not be who you think you are.

Don’t be that guy experiencing the world, rather let the world experience you by doing YOU. You share your speech patterns your ability to contribute to society. the moment you stop taking these experiences, and start GIVING the experiences you will then be person at a higher level CLOSER TO enlightenment

Always remember at the end of the play the valiant hero and the villain will both come out hand in hand. The curtain goes up and the audience applauds both simply because they know that they are both crucial parts of the play they are both humans wearing masks.

One you realize you are complete. You then realize you start giving and sharing.

Why are you depressed is because you’re trying to be something for the world the moment you realize that you can start being who you really are

When you begin this creation of yourself, make sure that you are who you are.

When you compromise in your life and who you are, and you FAIL, It hurts even more than when you fail in doing something you love to do so it’s only makes sense to do what it is you love to do.

Really no choice to be made, do what makes you a loving person, what you love to do. Just make sure the world know you are here by giving it a hand.

And finally always bring wine …

Instagram: GeorgeRioLIVE

only YOU

Psst! Come here! Want to know the biggest secret I can give to you? It is for you to know that YOU are the creator of your life and that You are the EXPERT of YOU!

Today, Empower yourself with the realization of how magnificent You are, and that you have all of the power within You to create your life the way that You choose. You can not blame anyone else but YOU. Make it so!

I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I assure you it won’t be BORING … -David Bowie #davidbowie #davidbowieforever #daretolive #inthegame #elrow #poloralphlauren #hellohudsonyards #art #photography #nyc


The universe is made of #You, sit with that for a minute … sit and breathe that IN. #peace you want that ? Well then remember,

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. #zen #buddha #peaceofmind #wiseowls #zen #buddha #listen #GeorgeKnows

During this great summer, remember This ZEN and your Universal mind IS NOT a philosophy, it is poetry. It does not propose, it simply persuades. It does not argue, it simply sings its own song. Share your song, go ahead I am listening. 🌼🌻😉


Wise owls told me …



Trust me …?

There are two types of people in this world we live in, those that you CAN trust and those that you CANNOT trust. So I ask you which one are you? The problem is that both people would say… “well Yes, you can trust me.”

Where do we go from here?

But then you may, say your friends define you… while others say, your enemies define you… But I say, your DEEDS define you.

Where do we go from here?

How may I help you ?

(Insta: @GeorgeRioLIVE)

Do I tell them…?

Friday the 13th• Do Tell

Every morning, I wake up and FORGET how love is…!!!

I hear the song love inspires, the pitter patter of heart beats, I hear clearly when I walk the streets of the city. Do I tell them?

I see people wearing rose colored glasses. The smell of Springs promise of love found for summer. Do I tell them?

Do I tell them, love belongs to No One? That you may try to buy it, earn it, even Pray for it, that it will elude them? Do I tell them?

Through trial and tribulation, that love will come like a promise made, demanding more from them, asking for a piece of them, making them climb mountain, swim oceans, give up friends Do I dare tell them?

Do I tell them it’s not there first or last time, they will feel safe by love only to see love cling tight, then leave them behind for better? Do I tell them?

The way it eluded me ? Do I dare tell them?

Then I remember to eat, get dressed, tie my shoes, I remember that and what I will do today. Then I place my smile on and go forge ahead… Do I dare tell them?

Do I dare tell them, what? What? I forgot …

-\\Georgie 2018.0413

It’s all because of you…

#zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points.it reminds us not to fall in love, but #grow in love.

It points us to the simple THOUGHT, your positive thought… Of The earth turns on its orbit for You. The oceans ebb and flow for You. The birds sing for You. The sun rises and it sets for You. The stars come out for You. Every beautiful thing you see, every wondrous thing you experience, is all there, for You. Take a look around. None of it can exist, without you. No matter who you thought you WERE, now you know the Truth of Who You Really Are. You are the master of YOUR Universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of Life. And now you know, what’s inside you. May the joy be with you… #loveoverbias #springtraining #springtraining2018 #transformation #GTIP #workworkwork #lent #thesecret #positivity #photography #love