It’s Time… 2018

What a way to start the New Year! A fresh canvas and only Blue Skies to fill in. This is your canvas, make it your painting… fill it in with your ideals. Find your purpose and find someone to share that mission with. #Art #Fresh #NewCanvas

My dear friend, Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts and you can change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change. Start with a clean slate. A blue SKY, no clouds, now add birds, just ocean. Paint your own paradise.

Winter Solstice…

The winter Solstice, LONGEST night, and the return to the light!

What a fine time to reflect, on what is and what isn’t real. My winter Into the summer as we head into more sun and less night, we begin to see the clarity of what had been hiding in the shadows, bad relationships, bad feelings and poor peoples deeds. Thank You for the light, Thank You for the protection and warmth the light gives. Thank You for kind friend, and Solid advice. Thank You for making the light as it peaks more and more into the summer a way of finding your true friends.

The winter solstice marks “peak darkness” for the Northern Hemisphere. So it is the shortest day and the longest night for that hemisphere during the year.

The sun’s absence allows for the cycle of life, death, and new life to continue on the planet. The energy of the solstice encourages you to reflect this ednergy into your relationship.

It will be important for you to spend some time apart this holiday season, from your loved ones. consider spending separate time with yourself. There’s a time and place for both of you to be together, and a time and place to spend time apart. Neither is permanent. Finding out the truth about your detractors and those who weren’t there for you is key here.

Find NEW friends, NEW love and NEW life. The solstice permits it. If the Existing LOVE was meant to be, then it will BE…


Today I was blessed with a beautiful day, to reflect, retract, gather my believes, lick my wounds, work and repurpose my life. I placed all I could, and came out losing. But I’m given this one more chance to find what the universe has planned for me. Until then I will continue to make others smile, give solid advice, a strong hug and the most valuable thing I could give, which my time to Someone deserving of it. #peaceofmind #nyc #newyorkstrong #love #innerpeace

1)Be easy to love

2)hard to break and

3)impossible to forget!!!

LIFE begins at the end of your comfort zone

Open your eyes…

A cautious word: Be aware of those claiming to be ignorant, ignorance is NOT the same as innocence.

If you know they are smarter, and claiming NOT to be then you are not getting ALL of them. Lastly if they can’t trust you enough, can they be trusted? Either way you need to STILL bring out the best in yourself and those you ❤️ LOVE ❤️. Don’t be a doormat for someone else…

Emoji Day? 

As I read all over the News verse about the recognition for the 4th year in a row on world emoji day, I can only think about how society will be remembered in another 5000 years as we remember society 5000 years ago!      This morning hearing commentators thinking that it’s going to be the next universal language to replace English only makes me chuckle.

     Are we that board as a society that we could not except a universal tongue for more than 1000 years to 2000 years?

     I’ll try to keep an open mind and on a positive note say unto thee happy emoji day!! 

(Those who do NOT READ about world history, let alone their OWN history, are doomed to repeat it!!) 


Wife Her…

Any bitch can spend a man’s money, ride his car, lay up in his crib, order off the menu, and spread her legs, but only #realwomen can help a man achieve his #goals in #life A real woman would support him when he’s broke, constantly push HIM to be #successful , shower him with #positive energy, #compliments him on a regular basis and never kick him while he is down, Instead, she #lift him up… IF YOU find ever a woman like that you ask her to be your wife.. you #wifeher -\\G&L #powercouple #rockstarcouple #buddha #god #love #spiritual #holdtight #ftw @GeorgeRioLIVE


It’s been a long time but have to say with IHOP’s huge calorie meals, they have 1-2 of them that are spot on. Here’s to one of there healthier choices. The Spinach and Mushroom omelette with wheat toast Side. (Hollandaise sauce optional) excuse me while I Devour my lunch. #ihop #sundayfunday #lunch #nyc #art #photography #GeorgeKnows #eat #calories