On Character building …

Best friends are the ones that make your problems their problems; see your way through it ; that way you don’t have to go through the Problem alone… That is your friends Character speaking. Character cannot be taught or learned it is innate. It’s what the best people have and best friends use, to helpContinue reading “On Character building …”

Make your mark …

Love your USA … 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A leader with NO followers is just someone taking a walk…My dear friend, Please remember if you stand for nothing, you will have nothing to stand on. Reach out to your friend or foe, and condemn violence in any form.The greats never sacrifice the important for the urgent, they handleContinue reading “Make your mark …”

Remy Remembered

He always greeted me, with a wide smile and tail wagging. After a rough day always knew I was down and would sleep right by me. When I was home late, never scolded me and asked “where was I?” He just came running to me and jumped as high as he could. He would wrestleContinue reading “Remy Remembered”