Happy Knife; Happy life…

it’s around that time of year again, when the dead are recognized and the dearly departed are remembered. I ask you to ponder. #georgeknows #Nottoday … What are the rights of the dead? Do the dead have rights? Should you be speaking for them, bringing up things he/she/they would say today without there consent? IContinue reading “Happy Knife; Happy life…”


Today I was blessed with a beautiful day, to reflect, retract, gather my believes, lick my wounds, work and repurpose my life. I placed all I could, and came out losing. But I’m given this one more chance to find what the universe has planned for me. Until then I will continue to make othersContinue reading “Renewal…”


A person’s OWN good up bringing is good enough security against anyone else’s ILL manners…it’s through good practice (good parenting) and honest deeds we find ourselves on the road to better results. In the spirit of Palm Sunday through this Holy Week of both religions that we must focus on HONEST, NOT good intentions. InContinue reading “Honestly??”