Happy Knife; Happy life…

it’s around that time of year again, when the dead are recognized and the dearly departed are remembered. I ask you to ponder. #georgeknows #Nottoday … What are the rights of the dead? Do the dead have rights? Should you be speaking for them, bringing up things he/she/they would say today without there consent? IContinue reading “Happy Knife; Happy life…”

On Character building …

Best friends are the ones that make your problems their problems; see your way through it ; that way you don’t have to go through the Problem alone… That is your friends Character speaking. Character cannot be taught or learned it is innate. It’s what the best people have and best friends use, to helpContinue reading “On Character building …”

Make your mark …

Love your USA … 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A leader with NO followers is just someone taking a walk…My dear friend, Please remember if you stand for nothing, you will have nothing to stand on. Reach out to your friend or foe, and condemn violence in any form.The greats never sacrifice the important for the urgent, they handleContinue reading “Make your mark …”


Today I was blessed with a beautiful day, to reflect, retract, gather my believes, lick my wounds, work and repurpose my life. I placed all I could, and came out losing. But I’m given this one more chance to find what the universe has planned for me. Until then I will continue to make othersContinue reading “Renewal…”

Open your eyes…

A cautious word: Be aware of those claiming to be ignorant, ignorance is NOT the same as innocence. If you know they are smarter, and claiming NOT to be then you are not getting ALL of them. Lastly if they can’t trust you enough, can they be trusted? Either way you need to STILL bringContinue reading “Open your eyes…”

Becoming a Master…

I for one, am NOT one of those who needs to be prodded, as a matter of fact I am the prod… For you my dear friend, I say challenge yourself today: To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master! OnContinue reading “Becoming a Master…”